Department of Systems Biology
Harvard Medical School
200 Longwood Avenue, WAB438
Boston, MA 02115
(617) 432-6904
jeremy_muhlich [at] hms [dot] harvard [dot] edu
I am working with systems biology researchers to support various informatics efforts. One of my current projects is a system to enable computational models of cell processes to be shared, annotated, and modified by multiple scientists. I am also exploring the creation of interactive data environments on the web for publishing raw research data. In addition, I am working on some of my own research in the areas of data integration, ontologies, and clustering.
Education and Experience
B.S. Computer Engineering and Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University, 2001
Senior Web Developer, Harvard Institute of Chemistry and Cell Biology, 2002-2005
- Fuzzy logic analysis of kinase pathway crosstalk in TNF/EGF/insulin-induced signaling. Aldridge BB, Saez-Rodriguez J, Muhlich JL, Sorger PK, Lauffenburger DA. PLoS Comput Biol. 2009 Apr;5(4):e1000340. Epub 2009 Apr 3. PMID: 19343194, doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000340
- Flexible Informatics for Linking Experimental Data to Mathematical Models via DataRail. Saez-Rodriguez J, Goldsipe A, Muhlich J, Alexopoulos LG, Millard B, Lauffenburger DA, Sorger PK. Bioinformatics. 2008 Mar 15;24(6):840-7. Epub 2008 Jan 24. PMID: 18218655, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btn018
- ChemBank: a small-molecule screening and cheminformatics resource database. Seiler KP, George GA, Happ MP, Bodycombe NE, Carrinski HA, Norton S, Brudz S, Sullivan JP, Muhlich J, Serrano M, Ferraiolo P, Tolliday NJ, Schreiber SL, Clemons PA. Nucleic Acids Res. 2008 Jan;36(Database issue):D351-9. Epub 2007 Oct 18. PMID: 17947324, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkm843